I wrote this after i finished my graphology course. Since this is my blogsite for everything related to graphology, i think that this is my first post ever on that subject.

Learning is soooo very important. I am doing my graphology course as most of u know. You really have to be away from learning for some time to realise how important it is. In my graphology class, I recently learned about the brain being just like a computer. Programming is done by the same 1 and 0 as for everyone. This concept really made me accept myself and not judge others.

You can learn from anyone, without even having a formal or informal relationship with them. My kids teach me to play carom on our event day. The process, the teachers and the students is wonderful.

I have learnt to take life as it comes from a very special friend. He has changed my outlook towards my life and my life plans to a great extent. He is the most hard working guy i know and the most professional person i know. Sometime’s u don’t even know where life takes u and what it might teach. Be open to it. Accept it.

Learning never goes waste. Never!!!