Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ideal Children

Most Children analysis(Indepth analysis + therapy  for kids at 1/6th the cost) that I do is of kids who are mostly from pretty well to do families. I have noticed that most of them have this one trait in common. I am not saying all but most lack the ability to maintain. This has the following manifestations

  • Take things for granted
  • Don't value the cost of things
  • Throw away things after using it once - eg. CD's will be w/o covers etc
  • Will also destroy relationships 
In life, this happens because of ...
  • Asking and receiving it from parent - There is no sense of struggle and achievement
  • Parents are too busy making money and believe that gifting is a way to make up for it.  
There must be a lot of other reasons also, but these are the common ones.

I recently analysed someone's kid who didn't have this trait. The father is at a very senior position and the lady too works. The son didn't have this trait. A very humble kid. I was so happy to see this. I shared my happiness with the father after the discussion with the kid was over.

The father disclosed that he has struggled to reach at this position... he has seen a lot of brats and didn't want to create one more. I was so happy to be in the company of someone so enlightened. 

He shared a few pointers that I hope will help you.
  • He gives the kid almost whatever he wants but ensures that there is a waiting period. The kid should ask atleast 5 to 6 times and justify the game or whatever...
  • They truly do spend time together. They are very alike. Father doesn't have much hobbies besides music, nature and walking. Kid is football crazy. They didn't let this stop them. The father plays football just to be with the kid. How nice?
  • They also take annual vacations in rural parts of India or small hill station. The father believes that this keeps the kid grounded. 
Hope this small anecdote brings you closer to your kid and helps him maintain relationships and things in life.

Keep loving,
Keep smiling.


  1. Indeed the father is wise.

    My own research in learning, especially during our growing stage, it all boils down to spending quality time with your kids. This person in your article has correctly understood and has implemented it. Kudos to him.

    Though I am not married nor have kids, I do at times ponder how I will raise my kids and what are the important things I should make sure they learn. Patience and perseverance are on the top of that list.

    Thanks for the great tips :)
